Saturday, November 20, 2010

'Tis the friggen season!

The first snow of the season

So we all knew it would happen sooner or later, and I guess we did get lucky and it didn't come as soon as it could have. The first snow fall. Living in Canada is it bound to happen, and you may curse me and say its wonderful, but.... I hate it. I am not a snow bunny, nor do I enjoy cold evening walks in the snow, and therefore, I have no use for it. Cold feet (literally), falling in slush, and wearing a million layers of clothing is not my explanation of a  magnificent season. I do apologize to those of you who do enjoy a trip down the hill in the powder, I personally just can not do it (sorry Catherine). And for those of you saying "well... 'tis the season"... that saying never makes anyone feel better about the onset of snow!

First snow fall of the season

And in this hemisphere when the white stuff falls,Christmas is just around the corner. This is will be the first time in 3 years that I have spent a Christmas as home in Canada with my family. Which sounds fabulous to my family, however to me... a little less fab and a lot more dull.  Now no offence to my wonderful family, its not them.  Most of this "Scrooge" like feelings has come from a recent breakup, and now the option of jet setting to England for a English Christmas is not going to happen. At least this year I get to spend eating my mother's delectable meals and Christmas treats! So my lack of travel during this "festive" season makes me once again temporarily stuck... how many days till May?

Thank God for single friends, rum and eggnog, and PLENTY of gingerbread cookies to fill me up!

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