Friday, November 26, 2010

Home and Native Land

Overlooking Bear River Winery

I personally feel that Canada is the best country in the world. We have the world's longest coastline, some of the world's best "up and coming winery's", the inventions of hockey, basketball, the zipper, the push-up bra ;) and of course the Blackberry, and a little known fact... Santa Clause is thought to be Canadian! I am from the best and most beautiful country in the world.

Apple Blossoms

Even though some may feel like I bitch about having to live in this small town of mine... I love it here at home. My mother once told me to never forget where I came from and to this day I haven't. While living over seas I often showed off my home and native land, as well as this piece of heaven Valley I am from, with books and photos.

Peggy's Cove
I live where the tides are high, the wine flows, and the apple blossoms bloom and I will never forget any of these things. I believe to truly love homeland, travel will make you appreciate where you can always fall and collect yourself, which essentially is what I've done.
In 2008 I wrote a piece for Our Canada Magazine for their "Canadian Abroad" section. The one page article was about my life in Abu Dhabi and flying, but no matter where I was in the world, home was always (and still is) my favourite place on the globe, (stay tuned).

Though it seems like I just complain about my small town, I know how special it is and I am very happy to call this place home. And I know that there are far worse places to be temporarily stuck.

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